Gabillot, M.; Wilczek, J.; Monna, F. (2017) La production métallique au Bronze moyen entre la Manche et les Alpes : des relations complexes entre zones-ateliers interdépendantes. in Le Bronze Moyen et l’origine du Bronze Final. pp 839-850. pdf
van Oort, F., Paradelo, R., Proix, N., Breuil, S., Delarue, G., Trouvé, A., Baize, D., Monna, F., Richard, A. (2017) Arsenic et vieilles parcelles. États et bilans géochimiques dans l’horizon de surface d’un NÉOLUVISOL de loess nu, avec ou sans apports de matières fertilisantes depuis 1928. Étude et Gestion des Sols, 24, 99 – 126. pdf
Monna, F., Marques Jr., A.N., Guillon, R., Losno, R., Couette, S.; Navarro, N., Dongarra, G., Tamburo, E., Varrica, D., Chateau, C., Nepomuceno, F.O. (2017) Perturbation vectors to evaluate air quality using lichens and bromeliads. A Brazilian case study. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 189:566. [IF=1.7] pdf.
Gabillot, M., Monna, F., Alibert, P., Bohard, B., Camizuli, E., Dommergues, C.-H., Dumontet, A., Forel, B., Gerber, S., Jebrane, A., Laffont, R., Navarro, N., Specht, M., Chateau, C. (2017) Productions en série vers 1500 avant notre ère. Des règles de fabrication au Bronze moyen entre la Manche et les Alpes à la lumière d’une étude morphométrique. Séances de la Société préhistorique française, 10, p. 19-31. pdf
Magail, J., Monna, F., Esin, Y., Wilczek, J., Yeruul-Erdene, C., Gantulga, J-O. (2017) Application de la photogrammétrie à la documentation de l’art rupestre, des chantiers de fouilles et du bâti. Bulletin Musée d’Anthropologie préhistorique de Monaco, n° 56, 69-92. pdf
Pasquet, C., Le Monier, P., Monna, F., Durlet, C., Brigaud, B., Losno, R., Chateau, C., Laporte-Magoni, C., Gunkel-Grillon, P. (2016) Impact of nickel mining in New Caledonia assessed by compositional data analysis of lichens. Springer Plus, 5:2022, 1-14 [IF=0.98]. pdf
Pasquet, C.; Gunkel-Grillon, P.; Laporte-Magoni, C.; Serres, A.; Quiniou, T.; Rocca, F.; Monna, F.; Losno, R.; van Oort, F.; Chateau, C. Alternative dry separation of PM10 from soils for characterization by kinetic extraction: example of New Caledonian mining soils. (2016) Environmental Science and Pollution Research 23. 25105–25113 [IF=2.76]. pdf
Moiroud, M.; Pucéat, E.; Donnadieu, Y.; Bayon, G.; Guiraud, M.; Voigt, S..; Deconinck, J.-F..; Monna, F. (2016) Evolution of neodymium isotopic signature of seawater in the Southern Hemisphere during the Late Cretaceous: implications for intermediate and deep circulation. Gondwana Research, 36, 503-522 [IF=8.24]. pdf
Linton, J.; Monna, F.; Sestier, C.; Martineau, R. (2016) Quantifying cereal-reaping microwear on flint tools: an experimental approach. Archaeometry. 58, 1038–1046. [IF=1.3] pdf
Rambeau C.M.C., Gobet, E., Grand-Clément, E., Monna, F., Mithen, S. (2015). New methods for the palaeoenvironmental investigation of arid wetlands, Dead Sea edge, Jordan. In: Lucke, B., Bäumler, R., Schmidt, M. (eds.): Soils and sediments as archives of landscape change, 147-162. Erlanger Geographische Arbeiten.
Wilczek, J.; Monna, F.; Gabillot, M.; Navarro, N.; Rusch, L.; Chateau, C. Unsupervised model-based clustering for typological classification of Middle Bronze Age flanged axes. (2015) Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports. 3, 381-391. pdf
Massa, C., Monna, F., Bichet, V., Gauthier, E., Losno, R., Richard, H. (2015) Inverse modeling of past lead atmospheric deposition in South Greenland. Atmospheric Environment. 105, 121-129. [IF=3.1] pdf
Camizuli E., Monna F., Alibert P., Beis P., Bermond A., Bohard B., Delivet G., Gourault C., Guillaumet J.P., Hamm G., Labanowski J., Lachiche C., Losno R., Pereira A., Petit C., Revelli P., Scheifler R., Oort F. van. (2014) Impact des anciens sites miniers et métallurgiques sur les ecosystemes actuels -synthèse des principaux résultats- Collection EDYTEM, n° 17, 85-98. pdf
Varrica, D., Tamburo, E., Milia, M., Vallascas, E., Cortimiglia, V., De Giudici, G., Dongarrà, G., Sanna, E., Monna, F., Losno, R. (2014) Metals and metalloids in hair samples of children living near the abandoned mine sites of Sulcis-Inglesiente (Sardinia, Italy). Environmental Research, 134, 366–374. [IF=3.95] pdf.
Camizuli, E., Monna, F., Scheifler, R. Amiotte-Suchet, P., Losno, R., Beis, P., Bohard, B., Chateau, C., Alibert, P. (2014) Impact of trace metals from past mining on the aquatic ecosystem: a multi-proxy approach in the Morvan (France). Environmental Research. 134, 410–419. [IF=3.95] pdf
Wilczek, J.; Monna, F.; Barral, P.; Burlet, L.; Chateau, C.; Navarro, N. (2014) Morphometrics of Second Iron Age ceramics – strengths, weaknesses, and comparison with traditional typology –. Journal of Archaeological Science. 50, 39-50 [IF=1.89] pdf.
Monna, F., Camizuli, E., Nedjai, R., Cattin, F., Petit, C., Guillaumet, J.-P., Jouffroy-Bapicot, I., Bohard, B., Chateau, C., Alibert, P. (2014) Tracking archaeological and historical mines using mineral prospectivity mapping. Journal of Archaeological Science. 49, 57-69 [IF=1.89] pdf.
Camizuli, E., Monna, F., Bermond, A., Manouchehri, N., Besançon, S., Losno, R., van Oort, F., Labanowski, J., Pereira, A., Chateau, C., Alibert, P. (2014) Impact of historical mining assessed in soils by kinetic extraction and lead isotopic ratios. Science of the Total Environment, 472, 425-436 [IF=3.26]. pdf
Jouffroy-Bapicot, I., Vannière, B., Gauthier, E., Richard, H., Monna, F., Petit, C. (2013) 7000 years of vegetation history and land-use changes in the Morvan Mountains (France): a regional synthesis. The Holocene, 23, 1888-1902 [IF = 3.22]. pdf
Pellenard, P.; Nomade, S.; Martire, L.; De Oliveira Ramalho, F.; Monna, F.; Guillou , H. (2013) A new 40Ar/39Ar age from volcanic events in the Rosso Ammonitico Veronese as a tie-point for the Late Jurassic. Geological Magazine, 150, 1136-1142 [IF=2.27]. pdf
Makhloufi, Y.; Collin, P.Y.; Bergerat, F.; Casteleyn, L.; Claes, S.; David, C.; Menendez, B.; Monna, F.; Robion, P.; Sizun, J.-P.; Swennen, R.; Rigollet, C. (2013) Impact of sedimentology and diagenesis on the petrophysical properties of a tight oolitic carbonate reservoir. The case of the Oolithe Blanche Formation (Bathonian, Paris Basin, France). Marine and Petroleum Geology. 48, 323-340 [IF=2.11]. pdf.
Pucéat, E., Joachimski, M.M., Bouilloux, A., Monna, F., Bonin, A., Motreuil, S., Morinière, P., Hénard, S., Mourin, J., Dera, G., Quesne, D. Reply on Comment by Longinelli (2013) on a revised phosphate-water fractionation equation. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 377-378, 380-382 [IF=4.35], pdf.
Monna, F.; Jebrane, A.; Gabillot, M.; Laffont, R.; Specht, M.; Bohard, B.; Camizuli, E.; Petit, C.; Chateau, C.; Alibert, P. (2013) Morphometry of Middle Bronze Age palstaves. Part II – Spatial distribution of shapes in two typological groups, implications for production and exportation. Journal of Archaeological Science. 40, 507-516 [IF=1.71], pdf.
Heimburger, A., Tharaud, M., Monna, F., Losno, R., Desboeufs, K., Bon Nguyen, E. (2013) SLRS-5 elemental concentrations deduced from SLRS-5/SLRS-4 ratios of thirty-three uncertified elements. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research. 37, 77-85 [IF=2.00], pdf.
Moiroud, M., Martinez, M., Deconinck, J.-F., Monna, F., Pellenard, P., Riquier, L., Company, M. (2012) High-resolution clay mineralogy as a proxy for orbital tuning: example of the Hauterivian-Barremian transition in the Betic Cordillera (SE Spain). Sedimentary Geology, 282, 336-346 [IF=1,54], pdf.
Rakovský, J., Musset, O., Buoncristiani, J.-F., Bichet, V., Monna, F., Neige, P., Veis, P. (2012) Testing a portable LIBS system on geological samples. Spectrochimica Acta Part B. 74-75, 57-65. [IF=2.87], pdf.
Martinez, M., Pellenard, P., Deconinck, J.-F., Riquier, L., Monna, F., Boulila, S., Moiroud, M., Company, M. (2012) An orbital floating time scale of the Hauterivian/Barremian GSSP from a magnetic susceptibility signal (Río Argos, Spain). Cretaceous Research, 36, 106-115. [IF=1,70] pdf.
Alibert, P., Beis, P., Bermond, A., Bohard, B., Camizuli, E., Delivet, G., Gourault, C., Guillaumet, J.P., Hamm, G., Labanowki, J., Lachiche, C., Losno, R., Monna, F., Pereira, A., Petit, C., Revelli, P., Scheifler, R., van Oort, F. (2012) Présentation du projet « Identification et impact des sites miniers abandonnés sur les écosystèmes aquatiques et terrestres actuels » Bourgogne Nature. 13, 37-41. pdf.
Gourault, C., Peraud, W., Camizuli, E., Guillaumet, J.-P., Hamm, G., Monna, F., Petit, C. (2012) Minéralogie de la mine du Prabis (Villapourçon, Nièvre, France). Bourgogne Nature, 13, 96-116. pdf.
Massa, C., Bichet, V., Gauthier, E., Perren, B.B., Mathieu, O., Petit, C., Monna, F., Giraudeau, J., Losno, R., Richard, H. (2012) A 2500 year record of natural and anthropogenic soil erosion in South Greenland. Quaternary Science Reviews, 32, 119-130 [IF=4,66]. pdf.
Monna, F., Bouchaou, L., Rambeau, C., Losno, R., Bruguier, O., Dongarrà, G., Black, S., Chateau, C. (2012) Lichens used as monitors of atmospheric pollution around Agadir (Southwestern Morocco) – A case study predating lead-free gasoline. Water Air and Soil Pollution. 223, 1263-1276 [IF=1,77] pdf.
Monna, F., Camizuli, E., Revelli, P., Biville, C., Thomas, C., Losno, R., Scheifler, R., Bruguier, O., Baron, S., Chateau, C., Ploquin, A., Alibert, P. (2011) Wild brown trout affected by historical mining in the Cévennes National Park, France. Environmental Science & Technology, 45, 6823–6830. [IF=4,83] pdf, Supplementary Material.
Dera, G., Brigaud, B., Monna, F., Laffont, R., Pucéat, E., Deconinck, J.-F., Pellenard, P., Joachimski, M.M., Durlet, C. (2011) Climatics up and down in a disturbed Jurassic world. Geology, 39, 215-218. [IF=4,37] pdf
Labanowski, J., Monna, F., Bermond, A., Cambier, P., Fernandez, C., Lamy, I., van Oort, F. (2008) Kinetic extractions to assess mobilization of Zn, Pb, Cu, and Cd in a metal contaminated soil: EDTA vs citrate. Environmental Pollution, 152, 693-701. [IF=2,77] pdf
Monna, F., Puertas, A., Lévêque, F., Losno, R., Fronteau, G., Marin, B., Dominik, J., Petit, C., Forel, B., Chateau, C. (2008) Geochemical records of limestone façades exposed to urban atmospheric contamination as monitoring tools? Atmospheric Environment, 42, 999-1011. [IF=2,63] pdf
Fernandez, C., Monna, F., Labanowski, J., Loubet, M. van Oort, F. (2008) Anthropogenic lead distribution in soils under arable land and permanent grassland estimated by Pb-isotopic compositions. Environmental Pollution. 156, 1083-1091.[IF=2,77] pdf
Dhennequin, L., Guillaumet, J.-P., Szabó, M., Barral, P., Camurri, E., Cauuet, B., Fleischer, F., Frase, J., Girard, B., Gruel, K., Hamm, G., Hoppadietz, R., Jouffroy-Bapicot, I., Luginbühl, T., Meylan, F., Monna, F., Olmer, F., Petit, C., Richard, H., Rieckhoff, S., Roncador, R., Szabó, D., Tamas, C., Timár, L., Urban, O.-H., Vítali, D., Wöhrl, M. (2008) L’oppidum de Bibracte (Mont Beuvray, France) bilan de 10 annees de recherches (1996-2005). Acta Archaeologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, 59, 1-152.
Jouffroy-Bapicot I., Forel B., Monna F., Petit C. (2008) Paléométallurgie dans le Morvan : l’apport des analyses polliniques et géochimiques ». In Le peuplement de l’arc alpin. Paris, Éd. du CTHS, p. 323-334. pdf
Monna, F. (2008) Cycles biogéochimiques des éléments traces métalliques aux interfaces de l’environnement. Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches, Université de Bourgogne. (manuscrit en pdf; présentation en pdf)
Jouffroy-Bapicot, I., Pulido, M., Galop, D., Monna, F., Ploquin, A., Baron, S., Petit, C., Lavoie, M., Beaulieu, J.-L., de, Richard, H. (2007) Environmental impact of early palaeometallurgy: pollen and geochemical analysis. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany. 251-258. [IF=0,65] pdf
Carozza, J.-M., Galop, D., Métailié, J.-P., Vannière, B., Bossuet, G., Monna, F., Lopez-Saez, J.A., Arnauld, M.-C., Breuil, V., Forne, M., Lemonnier, E. (2007) Land-use and soil degradation in the southern Maya lowlands, from Pre-Classic to Post-Classic times: The case of La Joyanca (Petén, Guatemala). Geodinamica Acta, 20,4, 195-207. [IF=0,73] pdf
Jouffroy-Bapicot, I., Petit, C., Monna, F., Richard, H. (2007) Evolution de la végétation du massif du Morvan : résultats des premières analyses polliniques et mise en évidence de l’impact des activités paléométallurgiques. Bourgogne Nature. HS 3, 97-104.
Marques, A.N., Monna, F., da Silva Filho, E.V., Fernex, F., Lamego Simões Filho. (2006) Apparent discrepancy in contamination history of a subtropical estuary evaluated through 210Pb profile and chronostratigraphical markers. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 52, 532-539. [IF=2,01] pdf
Monna, F., Poujol, M., Annegarn, H., Losno, R., Coetze, H., Dominik, J. (2006) Origin of atmospheric lead in Johannesburg, South Africa. Atmospheric Environment. 40, 6554-6566. [IF=2,63] pdf
Forel, B., Jouffroy-Bapicot, I., Monna, F., Petit, C., Guillaumet, J.-P., Gabillot, M., Mordant, C., Piningre, J.-F. (2006) Les Éduens, producteurs de métal et pollueurs. Les Dossiers de l’Archéologie. 316. 28-29. pdf
Cauuet, B., Tamas, C.G., Guillaumet, J.-P., Petit, C., Monna, F. (2006) Les exploitations minières en pays éduen. Les Dossiers de l’Archéologie. 316. 20-25. pdf
Semlali, R.M., Dessogne, J.-B., Monna, F., Bolte, J., Azimi, S., Navarro, N., Denaix, L., Loubet, M., Chateau, C., van Oort, F. (2004) Modeling lead input and output in soils using lead isotopic geochemistry. Environmental Science and Technology, 38, 5, 1513-1531. [IF=4,04] pdf
Monna, F., Galop, D., Carozza, L., Tual, M., Beyrie, A., Marembert, F., Chateau, C., Dominik, J., Grousset, F.E. (2004) Environmental impact of early Basque mining and smelting recorded in a high ash minerogenic peat deposit. The Science of the Total Environment, 327, 197-214. [IF=2,36] pdf
Monna, F., Petit, C., Guillaumet, J.-P., Jouffroy-Bapicot, I., Blanchot, C., Dominik, J., Losno, R., Richard, H., Lévêque, J., Chateau, C. (2004) History and environmental impact of mining activity in Celtic Aeduan territory recorded in a peat-bog (Morvan – France). Environmental Science and Technology, 38, 3, 657-673. [IF=4,04]. (Etude sélectionnée comme un ‘fait marquant’ pluridisciplinaire par le département Science de l’Homme et de la Société du CNRS). pdf
Loizeau, J.-L., Pardos, M., Monna, F., Peytremann, C., Haller, L., Dominik, J. (2004) The impact of a sewage treatment plant’s effluent on sediment quality in a small bay in Lake Geneva (Switzerland–France). Part 2: Temporal evolution of heavy metals. Lakes & Reservoirs: Research and Management, 9, 53–63. pdf
Loizeau, J.-L.; Rozé, S., Peytremann, C., Monna, F., Dominik, J. (2003) Mapping sediment accumulation rate by using volume magnetic susceptibility core correlation in a contaminated bay (Lake Geneva, Switzerland). Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae, 96, 73–79. [IF=1,23] pdf
Varrica, D., Dongarrà, G., Sabatino, G., Monna, F. (2003) Inorganic geochemistry of roadway dust from the metropolitan area of Palermo, Italy. Environmental Geology, 44, 222–230. [IF=0,61] pdf
Beyrie, A., Galop, D., Monna, F., Mougin, V. (2003) La métallurgie du fer au Pays Basque durant l’Antiquité. Etat des connaissances dans la vallée de Baigorri (Pyrénées-Atlantiques). Aquitania, 19, 49-66. pdf
Monna, F., Varrica, D., Aiuppa, A., Dongarrà, G. (2001) Le point sur l’origine du plomb dans l’atmosphère en Sicile. Apport de la géochimie isotopique et choix du support. Archives des Sciences de Genève, 54, 3, 205-222. [IF=0,21] pdf
Caillet, S., Arpagaus, P., Monna, F., Dominik, J. (2001) Factors controlling 7Be and 210Pb atmospheric deposition as revealed with sampling by individual rain events in the region of Geneva, Switzerland. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity. 53, 241-256. [IF=1,07] pdf
Galop, D., Tual, M., Monna, F., Dominik, J., Beyrie, A. (2001) Cinq millénaires de métallurgie en Montagne Basque. Les apports d’une démarche intégrée alliant palynologie et géochimie isotopique du plomb. Sud Ouest Européen, 11, 3-15. pdf
Aiuppa, A., Dongarrà, G., Varrica, D., Monna, F., Sabatino, G. (2001) Livelli di plombo nel particolato atmosferico dei centri urbani della Sicilia. Aqua Aria, 1, 99-105. pdf
Monna, F. (2001) Un héritage de plomb. La Recherche. 340, 50-54. pdf
Alaimo, M.G., Dongarra, G., Melati, M.R., Monna, F., Varrica, D. (2000) Recognition of environmental trace metal contamination using pine needles as bioindicators. The urban area of Palermo (Italy). Environmental Geology. 39, 8, 914-924. [IF=0,61] pdf
Monna, F., Clauer N., Toulkeridis, T., Lancelot, J. (2000) Influence of anthropogenic activity on the lead isotope signature of Thau lake sediments (Southern France): origins and temporal evolution. Applied Geochemistry. 15, 1291-1305. [IF=1,87] pdf
Monna, F. Hamer, K, Lévêque, J. Sauer, M. (2000) Pb isotopes as reliable marker of early mining and smelting in the Northern Hartz province (Germany). Journal of Geochemical Exploration. (68)3, 201-210. [IF=0,92] pdf
Monna, F., Loizeau, J.-L., Thomas, B., Guéguen, C., Favarger, P.-Y., Losno, R., Dominik, J. (2000) Noise identification and sampling frequency determination for precise isotopic measurements by quadrupole-based Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry. Analusis. 28, 750- 757. [IF=0,65] pdf
Guillaumet, J.P., Monna, F., Paris, P., Petit, C. (2000) Etude paléoenvironnentale des tourbières autour du Mont Beuvray : premiers résultats, in Bibracte, Centre archéologique européen, p.305-308.